Revolution Topical Parasiticide for cats and dogs

Veterinary Medicine

Revolution Family packshot

REVOLUTION is an effective broad spectrum endectocide for topical administration to cats and dogs. It contains Selamectin, a semi-synthetic compound of the avermectin class discovered by Pfizer. REVOLUTION is a colourless to pale yellow, ready to use solution available in a 6 % (60 mg/m of Selamectin) solution for puppies, kittens and cats or a 12 % (120 mg/m of Selamectin) solution for dogs. The product is presented in colour-coded, single dose tubes for topical (dermal) treatment in animals not less than six weeks of age. The content of each tube is formulated to provide a minimum of 6 mg Selamectin/kg body mass. The compound can be used in avermectin-sensitive collie dogs and kills a wide range of invertebrate parasites. As a member of the ivermectin class it paralyses and/or kills a wide range of invertebrate parasites through interference with their chloride channel conductance causing disruption of normal neurotransmission. This inhibits electrical activity of nerve/muscle cells in nematodes and arthropods leading to their paralysis and death. 


Active Ingredient(s): 

Key Benefits: 
1. Monthly, easy to use spot on application suitable for dogs and cats. 
2. Kills adult fleas and flea eggs on the pet and existing eggs and larvae in the moment. 
3. Effective in the treatment of most common worms; Roundworms in dogs and cats and Hookworm in cats. 
4. Water fast after 2 hours. 
5. Can be used on puppies and kittens from 6 weeks of age. 
6. Can be used on pregnant and lactating animals for litter protection. 
7. Safety tested in over 100 breeds of dogs and over 15 breeds of cats, including Collies. 

Available As: 
Topical solution for dogs and cats 

For Use With: 
Dogs, Cats


  • Revolution Cats 2.6 - 7.5Kg Blue . Reg. No.: G2820 (ACT36/1947). Contains 60mg/ml of Selamectin.
  • Revolution Dogs 5.1 - 10Kg Brown . Reg. No.: G2821 (ACT36/1947). Contains 120mg/ml of Selamectin.
  • Revolution Dogs 10.1 - 20Kg Red . Reg. No.: G2821 (ACT36/1947). Contains 120mg/ml of Selamectin.
  • Revolution Puppies and Kittens up to 2.5Kg Pink . Reg. No.: G2819 (ACT36/1947). Contains 60mg/ml of Selamectin.
  • Revolution Cats 20.1 - 40Kg Teal . Reg. No.: G2821 (ACT36/1947). Contains 120mg/ml of Selamectin.
  • Revolution Dogs 2.6 - 5Kg Purple . Reg. No.: G2821 (ACT36/1947). Contains 120mg/ml of Selamectin.
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  • REVOLUTION is indicated for the treatment, control and prevention of flea (Ctenocephalides spp.) infestations, control of flea allergy dermatitis, treatment and control of ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) in dogs and cats and for the treatment and control of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) in dogs. REVOLUTION is also indicated for treatment of intestinal hookworm (Ancylostoma tubaeforme) and roundworm (Toxocara cati) infestations in cats and intestinal roundworm (Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina) infestations in dogs. REVOLUTION is indicated for the control of tick (Haemaphysalis leachi and Rhipicephalus sanguineus) infestations in dogs and cats. REVOLUTION is also indicated for the treatment of lice infestation in dogs (Trichodectes canis) and cats (Felicola subrostratus). Additionally, REVOLUTION is indicated for the prevention of heartworm disease by controlling the microfilaria of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs and cats. REVOLUTION is indicated for litter protection in puppies and kittens against flea and nematode infestations after birth. REVOLUTION through its ovicidal and larvicidal action may aid in the control of existing enviromental flea infestations in areas to which the animal has access.

  • REVOLUTION is a colourless to pale yellow, ready to use solution available in a 6 % (60 mg/m of Selamectin) solution for puppies, kittens and cats or a 12 % (120 mg/m of Selamectin) solution for dogs.

  • Flammable - Keep away from heat, sparks, open flames or other sources of ignition.
    Do not use in sick, debilitated or underweight animals (see SAFETY).
    In humans REVOLUTION may be irritating to skin and eyes. Wash hands after use and wash off any product in contact with the skin immediately with soap and water.
    Keep out of reach of children and uninformed persons and animals.
    Reactions such as hives, itching and skin redness have been reported in humans in rare instances. Individuals with known hypersensitivity to REVOLUTION should use the product with caution or consult a health care professional.
    REVOLUTION contains isopropyl alcohol and the preservative butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT).
    This remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and contact the registration holder.Flammable - Keep away from heat, sparks, open flames or other sources of ignition.
    Do not use in sick, debilitated or underweight animals (see SAFETY).
    In humans REVOLUTION may be irritating to skin and eyes. Wash hands after use and wash off any product in contact with the skin immediately with soap and water.
    Keep out of reach of children and uninformed persons and animals.
    Reactions such as hives, itching and skin redness have been reported in humans in rare instances. Individuals with known hypersensitivity to REVOLUTION should use the product with caution or consult a health care professional.
    REVOLUTION contains isopropyl alcohol and the preservative butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT).
    This remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and contact the registration holder.

  • REVOLUTION has been tested safe in over 100 different pure and mixed breeds of healthy dogs and over 15 different pure and mixed breeds of healthy cats, including pregnant and lactating females, breeding males and females, puppies 6 weeks of age and older, kittens 8 weeks of age and older, and avermectin-sensitive collies. A kitten, estimated to be 5 - 6 weeks old (0,3 kg), died 8 1⁄2 hours after receiving a single treatment of REVOLUTION at the recommended dosage. The kitten displayed clinical signs which included muscle spasms, salivation and neurological signs. The kitten was a stray with an unknown history and was malnourished and underweight.

    In safety studies, REVOLUTION was administered at 1, 3, 5, and 10 times the recommended dose to 6-week-old puppies, and no adverse reactions were observed. The safety of REVOLUTION administered orally also was tested in case of accidental oral ingestion. Oral administration of REVOLUTION at the recommended topical dose in 5- to 8-month-old beagles did not cause any adverse reactions. In a pre-clinical study selamectin was dosed orally to ivermectin-sensitive collies. Oral administration of 2.5, 10, and 15 mg/kg in this dose-escalating study did not cause any adverse reactions; however, 8 hours after receiving 5 mg/kg orally, one avermectin-sensitive collie became ataxic for several hours, but did not show any other adverse reactions after receiving subsequent doses of 10 and 15 mg/kg orally. In a topical safety study conducted with avermectin-sensitive collies at 1, 3 and 5 times the recommended dose of REVOLUTION, salivation was observed in all treatment groups, including the vehicle control. REVOLUTION also was administered at 3 times the recommended dose to heartworm infected dogs, and no adverse effects were observed.

    In safety studies, REVOLUTION was applied at 1, 3, 5, and 10 times the recommended dose to 6-week-old kittens. No adverse reactions were observed. The safety of REVOLUTION administered orally also was tested in case of accidental oral ingestion. Oral administration of the recommended topical dose of REVOLUTION to cats caused salivation and intermittent vomiting. REVOLUTION was also applied at 4 times the recommended dose to patent heartworm infected cats, and no adverse reactions were observed.
    In well-controlled clinical studies, REVOLUTION was used safely in animals receiving other frequently used veterinary products such as vaccines, anthelmintics, antiparasitics, antibiotics, steroids, collars, shampoos and dips.

  • 1. For the treatment, control and prevention of flea infestations, control of flea allergy dermatitis, treatment and control of earmites in dogs and cats and for treatment and control of sarcoptic mange in dogs. For treatment of intestinal hookworm and roundworm infestations in cats and intestinal roundworm infestations in dogs. For the treatment of lice infestation in dogs and cats. For the prevention of heartworm disease by controlling the microfilaria of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs and cats.

    Apply topically to the skin at the recommended minimum dose of 6 mg Selamectin/kg bodymass once a month.

    Do not use on puppies or kittens less than 6 weeks of age.

    2. For the control of tick (Haemaphysalis leachi and Rhipicephalus sanguineus) infestations in dogs and cats:

    In heavy tick infestations, complete efficacy may not be achieved after the first dose. One additional dose of REVOLUTION should be administered two weeks after the first dose with monthly dosing continued thereafter.

    Do not use on puppies or kittens less than 6 weeks of age.

    3. For litter protection in puppies and kittens against flea and nematode infestation after birth.
    Treatment of pregnant and lactating animals to prevent flea infestations and roundworm infestations in puppies and kittens:

    To prevent flea infestations, REVOLUTION should be administered at monthly intervals throughout pregnancy and lactation to bitches and queens. This schedule of treatments will prevent flea infestations in suckling puppies and kittens for seven weeks after birth.

    To prevent roundworm infestations, REVOLUTION should be administered at monthly intervals during pregnancy with a dose administered approximately two weeks before parturition. The next treatment should be administered to the bitch or queen, ten days after parturition and followed by another treatment one month later. This schedule of treatments for bitches and queens will prevent adult roundworm infestations in suckling puppies and kittens for seven weeks after birth.



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