Discontinue any drinking water medication 24 hours before vaccination.
Water containing a high level of free chlorine should not be used.
Disinfectants must not be used for cleaning drinkers before vaccine application.
Withhold drinking water for 2 hours before vaccination to stimulate thirst, depending on environmental conditions.
Remove the aluminium seal from the vaccine vial.
To dissolve the vaccine pellet, the rubber stopper should then be removed whilst the vial is immersed in a plastic measuring jug containing 1 litre of clean cool water.
Half fill the vial with water, replace the stopper and shake to dissolve any remaining vaccine.
The vaccine concentrate should then be added to and thoroughly mixed with sufficient drinking water to last for approximately 2 hours.
The approximate drinking water requirements for vaccination can be calculated from the age of the birds.
Use as many litres of water as the age of the birds in days, per 1 000 birds, up to a maximum of 40 litres per 1 000 birds.
Distribute the diluted vaccine evenly in the drinkers. Do not expose prepared drinking water vaccine to sunlight.
Return to regular watering only after the vaccine water has been consumed.
The vaccine solution is best divided so that the drinkers are charged at least twice with vaccine to ensure a more widespread uptake.