Poulvac IB QX can be used in most types of spray equipment.
The equipment should provide coarse spray (droplets between 80 to 160 µm).
The distance from the spraying head to the chicken must be approximately 50 cm.
Use 0,15 to 0,5 litres of water per 1 000 chickens depending of the type of spray equipment to be used.
Remove the aluminium seal from the vaccine vial.
To dissolve the vaccine pellet, the rubber stopper should be removed whilst the vial is immersed in a plastic measuring jug containing 1 litre of clean, cool water.
Half fill the vial with water, replace the stopper and shake to dissolve any remaining vaccine.
The vaccine concentrate should then be added to the water in the spray tank and thoroughly mixed.
Administer at a rate of one dose of prepared vaccine per chicken.
The shelf life after reconstitution of the vaccine is 2 hours.